1、直接使用 CAIN 工具嗅探,然后分析嗅探到的数据包,分析方法见底下。
2、先看那机器的终端是谁连过去的,然后架 rdp proxy,然后 arp 欺骗,最后从 rdp proxy 的嗅探记录里,直接拿到登陆明文。
3、钓鱼攻击,使用 Arp 劫持,欺骗本机为目标机器,然后在本机安装本地密码记录软件,例如: WinlogonHack 、 WinPswLogger 等工具(注意:这些工具都要修改,改成即使是错误密码也要记录,不然你什么都记录不到!),然后坐等管理员连接,得到密码后恢复 Arp 劫持。
4、Arp 劫持 + 中间人转发数据的嗅探的方法,详细描述见底下。
从 CAIN 嗅探到的RDP数据包中,如何得到账号、密码的方法:
你认真看看 CAIN 的数据包,如果是在远程桌面连接工具(mstsc.exe)本地保存密码登录的,那么就直接有明文。
如果不是本地保存登录的,是连接后才输入账号密码的,那么嗅探到的 RDP 数据包里面就有一段是专门解密的,每行一个字母,你认真找找,格式大概是这样的:
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x2c - 'z'
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x23 - 'h'
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x12 - 'a'
…… 省略 ……
Key released client-side: 0x31 - 'n'
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x22 - 'g'
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x20 - 'h'
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x17 - 'a'
…… 省略 ……
Key pressed client-side: 0x31 - 'o'
…… 省略 ……
搜索 Key pressed、Key released 可以得到,是一个个的字母的列出来的,这里就是用户连接成功后所输入的按键信息,组合一下,就可以得出账号密码。
解开 rdp 数据包工具:
有个工具叫RDP Parser,可以解开嗅探或截取到的 RDP 数据包文件,然后提取一些按键信息,用来最终拼接出用户名和密码。(工具在这里:cain rdp parser)
Arp 劫持 + 中间人转发数据的嗅探的方法:
历时半个月的空闲时间,一个与 CAIN APR RDP 功能相拟的嗅探器工具终于在这个周未完成。
关于 sniffer rdp,比 cain arp rdp 更强大的组合 hijackport + rdpproxy,获取密码方法。
1、钓鱼 (有点二)
2、单向模式sniffer rdp 比起 cain arp rdp 更强 (cain arp rdp 要取得密码等信息必需双向模式. hijackport + rdpproxy 可以突破对方在绑定的情况下获得密码或对方所输入的所有键盘消息)
其他另类 Arp 方法:
但也没有关系.为了测试环境达不达要求. 向网关发送了一条ARP.B.目标挂掉.整个恢复过程20分钟
4.C --> B.3389 转为 C --> A.3389 记录密码
5.如果成功取得密码.停止端口转向.停止模拟.停止arp发送.等待网关刷新arp缓存.这时双方都不能登录.直到网关刷新.在这个漫长的等待中.ping 目标IP -T 抢在管理上线.
1、rdpproxy:Rdp Proxy 一个转发rdp协议数据包的软件,用于转发3389的数据,然后截取,你懂的……
2、hijackport:Hijack Port 劫持端口用的,一般和 Rdp Proxy 配套使用。
4、RDP Parser:可以解开嗅探或截取到的 RDP 数据包文件,然后提取一些按键信息,用来最终拼接出用户名和密码。
IP: --> Mac:00:23:CD:95:17:A1 --> windows XP (经典主题) 或 Windows 2003
189 在这里是充当一个机房网关的角色,备注中有详细说明。
IP: --> Mac:00:03:FF:95:17:A1 --> Windows XP
Having a side income is always good, especially when you can easily manage the work along with your full time job. If your regular work involves working on an Internet-connected computer, trading stocks is a popular option to earn a few extra bucks.
While there are quite a few stock-monitoring applications available for linux, most of them are GUI-based. What if you’re a Linux professional who spends a lot (or all) of your time working on machines that do not have any GUI installed? Are you out of luck? Well, no, there are some command line stock-tracking tools, including Mop, which we’ll be discussing in this article.
Mop, as already mentioned in the introduction above, is a command line tool that displays continuous and updated information about the US stock markets and individual stocks. Implemented in the GO programming language, the project is the brain child of Michael Dvorkin.
Download and Install
Since the project is implemented in GO, before installing the tool, you’ll first have to make sure that the programming language is installed on your machine. Following are the steps required to install GO on a Debian-based system like Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install golang mkdir ~/workspace echo 'export GOPATH="$HOME/workspace"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Once GO is installed, the next step is to install the Mop tool and set the environment, something which you can do by running the following commands:
sudo apt-get install git go get github.com/michaeldv/mop cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/michaeldv/mop make install export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
Once done, just run the following command to execute Mop:
cmd Features
When you run the Mop command for the first time, you’ll see an output similar to the following.
As you can see in the image above, the output – which auto-refreshes frequently – contains information related to various popular stock exchanges around the world as well as individual stocks.
Add/remove stocks
Mop allows you to easily add/remove individual stocks to and from the output list. To add a stock, all you have to do is to press “+” and mention the stock listing name when prompted. For example, the following screenshot was taken while adding Facebook (FB) to the list.
As I pressed the “+” key, a row containing text “Add tickers:” appeared, prompting me to add the stock listing name – I added FB for Facebook and pressed Enter. The output refreshed, and the new stock was added to the list:
Similarly, you can delete a stock listing by pressing “-” and mentioning its name.
Group stocks based on value
There is a way togroup stocks based on whether their value is going up or down – all you have to do is to press the “g” key. Following this, the stocks which are advancing will be groupedtogether and shown in green, while those whose value is going down will be represented in black.
Here is an example screenshot.
Column sort
Mop also allows you to change the sort order of individual columns. For this you first need to press “o” (this will select the first column by default), and then use the left and right arrow keys to select the column you want to sort. Once done, press enter to sort the column contents.
For example, the following screenshot shows the output after the contents of the first column were sorted in descending alphabetical order.
Note: to better understand, compare it with the previous screenshot.
Other options
Other available options include “p” for pausing market data and stock updates, “q” or “esc” for quitting the command line application, and “?” for displaying the help page.